Hello wonderful people!

We would like to invite you to the Intercultural Stammtisch, a funny and exciting event, which will take place on the 28th of November in TÜWI (Peter-Jordan-Strasse 76, 1190 Wien) at 8 PM. This Stammtisch is aimed at students from different backgrounds, so you have the chance to meet a lot of different people and engage in an enriching cultural exchange. You can take part in a short quiz and play all sorts of fun games, learn something new about international differences and in the end, you can even win a prize!

After the quiz, just enjoy the party with your newly found or old friends. We would ask you to register using the QR-Code provided so we can make the activities more specific You can also use this link: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScqaly4Gv7HvTpR4zH39hZXJySldXlCU6ZtS-ZFrbvtEc1r6w/viewform

We are looking forward to seeing you there!
