Brief description

Online surveys with LimeSurvey

BOKU-IT operates a server with the LimeSurvey system. This can be used for online surveys at BOKU.

If you are interested in executing an online survey via LimeSurvey, you can easily log in with your BOKU account and use the survey tool.

Survey permissions

Survey permissions can also be transferred/added to other BOKU members. For this, BOKU-IT has to know

  1. which survey is concerned: title, ID in the system
  2. and which user: name, ID in the system

should receive the corresponding permissions.

To get an ID in the system as a user, it is necessary to have logged in to LimeSurvey before. Then an ID is assigned, which can be seen in the LimeSurvey interface after logging in to your account information.

Create survey

If you want to create a new survey, don't let the backend info

  • Umfragegruppe (Default Survey Group)

confuse you. This group is preselected by default and cannot be changed by you.


  • BOKU-IT only provides the survey tool. The conception of the survey, the creation of the survey in the survey tool as well as the analysis of the collected data are the sole responsibility of the survey creator.

Data protection

The creator is also responsible for any data protection aspects of a survey.

For all BOKU surveys, these must be clarified with the following contact persons before the survey begins:

Mag. Jürgen Gruber, BOKU's data protection officer, can be reached at the following e-mail address:


Please use the following sources of information in case of questions about creating surveys in LimeSurvey:

LimeSurvey also offers you the possibility to create access keys for surveys as well as to send invitations to participate in surveys directly via the tool.

If you plan to use these services for a larger number of people, please contact BOKU-IT in advance.