Lukas Emrich

Lukas Emrich

Email Address: Lukas.Emrich(at)

Politics, conflict and everyday practices in housing commons. Such are some of the buzz words that have shaped my research as a Phd student at the IDK Rethinking Environment. Based at the Department for Geography at LMU Munich, I am working on an empirically grounded theory of commoning practices in housing and their consequences within transformations of urban political ecologies. The empirical material is based on case studies from Munich and Vienna. Spending some two and a half months at the SEC and meeting the many scholars with bags of experience from within the Austrian capital will thus be invaluable. As a bonus, I am looking forward to exiting discussions on how to bridge some of the approaches discussed in urban political- and social ecology.

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Edgar Hertwich

Edgar Hertwich

Email Address: edgar.hertwich(at)

Edgar Hertwich is professor of Industrial Ecology at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering at NTNU Trondheim. His research is focused on energy, resource efficiency and climate change. He served as member of the International Resource Panel of UNEP and was IPCC lead author in the 5th Assessment Report, Working Group III.

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Lisbeth Oliveira

Lisbeth Oliveira

Email Address: lisbeth(at)

Lisbeth Oliveira works at the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) in Brazil. She is currently a guest researcher (postdoc) at the Institute of Social Ecology at BOKU. She received her PhD in the area of Communication and Sustainability at University of Klagenfurt (AAU), her master's degree at the Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies of the University of Vienna and a degree in Social Communication from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG).

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Lola Rousseau

Lola Rousseau

Email Address: lola.s.a.rousseau(at)

Lola Rousseau´s research is related to the built environment & mobility, material stocks & flows, and greenhouse gas emissions. She is interested to understand the use of resources today and how much we might be using in the future.

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Yiwei Yang

Yiwei Yang

Email Address: yywmzq(at)

PhD Student at the Department of Urban and Rural Planning, Tianjin University and guest researcher at the Institute of Social Ecology at BOKU. Yiwai´s current research focus at Tianjin University is centered around “Spatial intervention approaches for urban carbon emission management within the context of built environments.” During her time at BOKU, she will be conducting research on the topic of “The influencing factors and multilevel policy responses to household GHG footprints.”

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