25.04. [9:00 - 17:00] and 26.04.2024 [9:00 - 13:00]

The course is addressed to first stage researchers (before dissertation and with completed master's degree) and early postdocs.


Take strategic decisions to start your scientific career and develop as an independent researcher after finishing your PhD. Plan how to brand yourself within your scientific field. Consider wether you would like to stay in or search for a career outside academia.


Professional and private goals
Pillars of an academic career: Research - Teaching - Practice - Leadership experience and Management skills
Successful self presentation
Official rules and tacit knowledge within academia
Transferable skills, career outside academia
Life domains balance
Time management


Input, discussion, group work, time to reflect, reader

Group size: max. 12 participants

The workshop will take place online via ZOOM.

Mag.a Ute Riedler
Career counsellor, specialized on communicative and strategic advice for academics, such as application procedures and negotiating research environments. Publication: Färber, Riedler, Black Box Berufung. Strategien auf dem Weg zur Professur. 2. erw. Aufl. Campus 2016

Info for registration

Registration only via  BOKU online (Login is necessary) --> Services --> BOKU's-Trainingpassport/Trainings

The participation is free of charge.
Please note our terms and conditions.