EFICEEC an der BOKU gegründet

Das Regionalbüro für Zentral-Osteuropa des Europäischen Forstinstitutes wird am 12. April feierlich eröffnet. Es ist an der BOKU eingerichtet und vernetzt mehr als 20 Forschungsinstitutionen aus Osteuropa und anderen europäischen Staaten.

Opening Ceremony of the European Forest Institute – Regional Office Central Eastern Europe (EFICEEC) 12. April 2010, Festsaal BOKU The Head Office of the European Forest Institute – Regional Office Central Eastern Europe (EFICEEC) is located at BOKU Vienna. The Regional Office works closely together with more than 20 research partners from the CEE region and other European countries. Its work has both a regional focus on CEE as well as special work areas. They are: a)    forest policy and economics, including forest policy analysis and evaluation as well as innovation research b)    land-use and land-use change in connection with bio-energy and climate change c)     forest ecosystem management with a special  focus on sustainable management and mountain forests. EFICEEC aims to connect innovation with sustainable development in land-use and forest policy and a transfer to forest management practice. It strives to become an outstanding scientific institution, a networking platform and a centre for knowledge transfer that is recognized  both by actors in the region and the international scientific community. Besides of scientific advancement, it is the mission to produce practice relevant results through cooperation with practice partners. It will actively develop networks among research institutions and partnership between science and practice. The initial term of the Regional Office is until 2013. EFICEEC is financed by contributions from the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, the City of Vienna, the province of Lower Austria, BOKU, by contributions from the partner institutions as well as funds from national and international research projects. The Regional Office will be officially opened by the Prof. M. Gerzabek (Rector of BOKU Vienna), R. Päivinen (Director of EFI), SC G. Mannsberger (Head of the Forestry Section, Lebensministerium), and Prof. J. Novotny (Head of the Forestry Section, Slovakian Forestry Ministry). Termin: 12. April 2010, 10:00 – 13:00 Adresse: BOKU Festsaal Veranstalter: H732 und H913 Vortragende: Prof. M. Gerzabek, R. Päivinen (Director of EFI), SC G. Mannsberger (Lebensministerium), Prof. J. Novotny (Slovakian Forestry Ministry) Ansprechpersonen: Prof. Dr. Karl Hogl (karl.hogl(at)boku.ac.at), Prof. Dr. Hubert Hasenauer (Hubert.hasenauer(at)boku.ac.at)
