Jetzt bewerben: International Training Course on Organic Agriculture | Uganda | 10. - 31. Juli 2012. Der Kurs ist eine einzigartige Lernmöglichkeit zur biologischen Landwirtschaft in den Tropen.

Seit 2005 ist der Trainingskurs, organisiert durch das Centre for Development Research (CDR) an der BOKU, eine jährlich stattfindende einzigartige Lernmöglichkeit zu ländlichen Entwicklungsprozessen. Gemeinsam mit Studierenden aus Uganda, Kenia, Äthiopien und Tanzania haben auch Studierende der BOKU die Möglichkeit, am Trainingskurs teilzunehmen. Weitere Informationen im Folgenden (Englisch) und auf Tunasoma! We learn. (Swahili) ITCOA 2012 will bring together students from five countries (Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Austria) for a unique learning experience. After an e-learning phase in May-June 2012, the students will meet from July 10-31 in Uganda to discuss organic agriculture in the tropics and sub-tropics as one of the most exciting and timely pathways to innovation in rural development. Unique learning experience "What I really like about the training course is that we actually go out and apply our knowledge. This is so different from frontal lecturing that is still dominating universities." says Mara Lindtner, a BOKU student and alumni of ITCOA 2011. Considering the theoretical, practical, experiential and social learning opportunities for students and their facilitators, a group of students participating in 2011 suggested to rename the course into: "Intensive Training Course on Organic Agriculture." What makes ITCOA unique is the intensive interaction with farmers and organic agriculture stakeholders in Uganda. "This is a big challenge for us, but farmers benefit and we learn practically." says Mulugeta Balew Yeneneh, alumni of 2011 and student from Bahir Dar University (Ethiopia). Experts in agro-ecosystem health Developing agricultural systems that truly benefit people and the environment is a highly complex and dynamic process. Thus, we need experts who are able to think outside the box - in terms of dynamic systems and processes. ITCOA provides the opportunity to let such thinking grow. Eligibility and application procedure You can participate in ITCOA as a BOKU student. For that you need to be enrolled in a related discipline and register on BOKUOnline for the course: We look for students preferably in the 4th or 5th year of study, with a strong motivation, excellent social and cultural skills who are fluent in English. For details and the application form, please visit:

ITCOA 2011 is a cooperation of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/Austria (BOKU), Makerere University Kampala/Uganda (MUK), University of Nairobi/Kenya (UoN), Bahir Dar University/Ethiopia (BDU) and Sokoine University of Agriculture/Tanzania (SUA) .
