International Staff Training Week, Split, Croatia

from April 1-5 at the University of Split

The University of Split is pleased to invite to the 6th International Staff Training Week taking place from 1 till 5 April 2019. Teachers and staff members are invited to participate at this event. The Staff Training Week will be composed of different programmes - workshops, lectures, group events, tours, presentations, and time to connect and network.

Please submit your application forms by 25 January 2019 using these links:
For Teaching mobility (STA) apply here
For Training mobility (STT) apply here
Please note that the number of participants is limited.

If you want to apply for ERASMUS+ staff mobility support (training or teaching), please check the website  and contact Mag. Gudrun Reisinger for further information on ERASMUS+ Staff training/teaching funding.

All programmes of the Staff week
