This years topic of the ELLS Case study competition is “Transition Towns - Urban Food Production and Rapid Urban Development”. This year’s CSC focuses on urban agriculture and food production in the context of rapid urban development. The task for the students is to analyze the circumstances, dynamics and challenges of current food production in Vienna. The winner team will be awarded with a price of 1000 EUR.

The case-study will be based on an agricultural site within the city of Vienna that has been used, till very recently, for agricultural production. Currently and in the context of rapid urban development that goes along with the increasing need for housing and other urban facilities, the place can’t be used for agricultural production anymore. Its use needs to be re-thought and re-invented so that it fits with the actual situation and city of Vienna urban development plans.

During the CSC students will get support from lecturers from three ELLS Universities (BOKU, UHOH, WULS) and get in touch with different stakeholders related to the case, such as farmers, real estate developers, local NGOs and representatives of respective city administration. Application deadline: April 30.

Further information
