• 7.12.2017 Galanakis M.: Online Book Presentation: "Sustainable Food Systems from Agriculture to Industry"
    Responding to sustainability goals requires maximum utilization of all raw materials produced and integration of activities throughout all production-to-consumption stages.

  • 14.12.2017 Galanakis M.: Online Book Presentation: "Sustainable Recovery and Reutilization of Cereal Processing By-Products"
    Sustainable Recovery and Reutilization of Cereal Processing By-Products addresses topics associated with the sustainable management of cereal manufacturing. Emphasis is placed on current, advisable practices, general valorization techniques of cereal processing by-products, and the functional properties of healthy cereal by-product components that lead to target applications in foods and nutraceuticals.

  • 11.01.2018 Galanakis M.: Online Book Presentation: "Polyphenols: Properties, Recovery and Applications"
    Polyphenols: Properties, Recovery and Applications covers polyphenols properties and health effects and reflects the new trends in recovery procedures and applications.

Further information
