This fund is to provide seed money in the Danube Region. The call for project applications is open until 17 September, 2014.
The program is related to all Priority Areas of the Danube strategy.

Two main objectives of the program are: to kick-start project development in the Danube Region and facilitate the financing of transnational projects but also to help organizations to develop and implement project ideas.

The Fund aims to support either specific parts of a larger project (certain work packages, events within the project, surveys...are financed by the Fund) or implementation of a small project (where all activities of the project are financed by the Fund).
More detailed information about the Fund are attached for your further consideration: START Guidelines for Applicants_first call
START Danube Region Project Fund_first call
Fact Sheet START_first call
START Application form_first call

Two specific subjects might be interesting: 1. The role of the Universities in RIS3 and 2. Bio-economy as a model of Danube macro region smart specialization.
