Logo of IAM IAM Plant Biotechnology Unit
IAM Pannonian Apricot Pages
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Cultivar description

Cultivar detection

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Welcome to the IAM Pannonian Apricot Pages

This webpage is dedicated to apricot cultivars from different ecogeographic origins.
In these pages the Plant Biotechnology Unit collects and presents essential information (morphologic description, flowering and ripening times,
characteristics of the fruit) about a series of selected cultivars.

In a world of free trade and in an European Union with free movement of plant material, the correct identification and the
phytosanitary status of plant material used for establishing new orchards is important.

The Plant Biotechnology Unit at the Institute of Applied Microbiology, Department of Biotechnology, University of Natural Resources
and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, has extensive experience in the field of cultivar identification and sanitation of stone fruits.

The Plant Biotechnology Unit at the Institute of Applied Microbiology was the coordinator of the Project Pannonia "Improved
Strategies for Assuring the Phytosanitary and Genetic Quality Request for Stone Fruit Planting Material in Europe".

In this project, the Plant Biotechnology Unit, with Hungarian partner Institutions, developed a molecular characterization system for apricot
cultivars, allowing the identification of synonyms and phylogenetic studies.

The pages were created by Fatemeh Maghuly, Fabian Schneider and Margit Laimer at the IAM.

We would like to thank
  • Dr. Ildiko Balla (Research Institute for Fruitgrowing and Ornamentals Budapest)
  • Prof. György Bisztray (CORVINUS University of Budapest)
  • Prof. Andrzej Pedryc (CORVINUS University of Budapest)

The Pannonia project was supported by the Austrian BMBWK. The content of these pages is the sole responsibility of the publishers.

© by IAM

rev. 26.5.2006