PhD Scholarships in Plant Breeding / Reisestipendien / ATSAF Job News

PhD Scholarships in Plant Breeding Monsanto’s Beachel-Borlaug International Scholars Program honors two of the World’s best known plant breeders who are widely credited for bringing the green revolution to rice and wheat production.  The dramatic increase in rice and wheat production per unit area of land prevented starvation for billions of people.  The MBBIS program is funded at $2 million per year for 5 years for a total of $10 million. The program provides complete support for PhD students in rice and wheat breeding.  The MBBIS program was announced on Dr. Norman Borlaug’s 95th birthday on March 25, 2009.  The 1st round of application were evaluated by an internationally acclaimed panel of judges and 12 scholars were selected for support. Second round of funding closed on February 1, 2010.  Applications for years 3rd, 4th, and 5th rounds of funding should be submitted between November 1, 2010, 2011 and 2012 and February 1 in 2011, 2012 and 2013.  Funds are encumbered for the duration of the PhD program.  Scholars must complete part of their PhD program in Australia, Canada, Western Europe or the United States and part in another country of the World.  Students work with their advising professor or scientist who then submits the application for the student. Information: Reisestipendien: jetzt Anträge stellen ATSAF vergibt selbst Kongress-Reisestipendien, unterstützt von der Winter-Stiftung, bis zu 8 jährlich, für junge ATSAF-Mitglieder im Doktoranden-Status. Max. 500 Euro Zuschuss für eine Kongressreise ins Ausland. Information: Anbahnungsreise-Finanzierung für Bosch-Stiftung NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen ab Post-Doc können die Kosten von Reisen zu CGIAR-Centers und deren Außenstellen beantragen, wenn dies der Anbahnung von Forschungskooperation und gemeinsamer Antragstellung dient. Information: ATSAF Job News Hydrolog/e/in für Wasserressourcen und Klima / Uni Freiburg, Wissenschaftliche/r Assistent/in (E13 oder A13 Beamt/er/in ZA) / International Potato Center, Post Doctoral Appointment: Entomologist / DIE, wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in / ICARDA, Head, Program Facilitation Unit / ICARDA, Proposal Writing Officer / ICARDA, Resource Mobilization Facilitator Bewerbungsfristen divers Information Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tropische und Subtropische Agrarforschung, atsaf(at),
