Best Paper Award 2013 & GAIA Masters Student Paper Award

Best Paper Award 2013: One Gold, Two Silver Vaclav Smil is the winner of the GAIA Best Paper Award 2013 for his article Reducing the Carbon and Sulfur Load of the Atmosphere. Assessing Global Decarbonization and Desulfurization and the Future of a Low-Carbon World. GAIA's Editorial Board also agreed on two second prizes. They were awarded to Thomas Jahn, Wissenschaft für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung braucht eine kritische Orientierung and Hugh S. Gorman, Learning from 100 Years of Ammonia Synthesis. Establishing Human-Defined Limits through Adaptive Systems of Governance. Presented for the first time this year, the GAIA Best Paper Award is awarded by GAIA's Editorial Board for the best article of a volume. All three articles can be accessed free on-line. Information We invite article submissions related to inter- or transdisciplinary environmental and sustainability research. Information GAIA Masters Student Paper Award For the first time, the international journal GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society invites Masters students to publish their research results in transdisciplinary environmental and sustainability science. Each year, one article will be selected and published in GAIA as the GAIA Masters Student Paper Award winner. The award encourages Masters students to engage in writing scientific articles and – at an early stage in their career – to become part of the scientific community of transdisciplinary environmental and sustainability scientists. It addresses both students from research-based courses who have obtained interesting findings and/or whose research holds relevance for important societal transformations as well as students with outstanding Masters theses. Together with their article, students are obliged to submit the name of an experienced mentor who is prepared to guide them through the process of writing a scientific article. In addition, the editors recommend that the mentor should become co-author of the article submitted. Submission date: 301014 Publication date: May 2015 Information and a manual “How to publish in GAIA” to guide student authors wishing to submit a paper:
