Exploring Tajikistan

Dig deep into Central Asia with us!

16:00 ‐ 17:30

  • Vortrag

Presentation about BOKU projects by AssProf. DI Dr. Stefan Strohmeier and students (as part of the International Days @BOKU)

The Central Asian rugged terrain was supposed to protect its’ natural beauty from adventurers...

Not so from BOKU’s students. International science collaboration created a link to Tajikistan’s most rural cultures and landscapes. Soil and water interaction in the mountainous agro-environment are both breathtaking and hardly predictable.

A challenge BOKU science just looks for: towards exploring soil and water dynamics and sustainable management in the face of land degradation and flood risk.  

Poster zum Vortrag "Exploring Tajikistan"
EXNH - Hörsaal EH05
Wilhelm-Exner-Haus, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
BOKU-International Relations
Mehr Informationen
Sprache: Englisch
Öffentlich: Ja
Kostenpflichtig: Nein